(615) 459-2546 office@ashbusters.net

Top Down Damper or Throat Damper?

That is a really good question, and the answer depends entirely on your situation and your point of view. There is a good case to be made for each. What may be helpful is to understand the reason each has its supporters before discussing the choice with a CSIA...

Proper Disposal of Fireplace Ashes

Ashes do a great job of hiding and insulating hot coals and are often far from the cool gray powdery nothing they appear to be. In fact, in one four-year period, improper ash handling was implicated annually in nearly 10,000 house fires. Proper fireplace tools, fire...

How to Safely Ignite Your Gas Fireplace

To safely ignite your gas fireplace, follow this series of easy to remember steps. [raw][/raw] Check to be sure the damper is open to your venting. Gas logs give off a great deal of carbon monoxide, so adequate venting is essential. The damper can be partially closed...

A Guide to Busting Your Ash

As we speed toward the cooler weather (thank goodness!) we herald in the many reasons we love the fireplace. The mantel is beautifully decorated with the Pinterest inspired looks you made out of old leaves and modge podge, the wafting scent of burning oak, and the...