(615) 459-2546 office@ashbusters.net
Is smoke lingering in your fireplace and beginning to spread inside your home instead of going outside via the chimney? You may have a chimney draft problem. Call us now.

Is smoke lingering in your fireplace and beginning to spread inside your home instead of going outside via the chimney? You may have a chimney draft problem. Call us now.

Having a chimney in your home is more than just having cozy warm nights with a rustic ambiance. It also entails a lot of responsibility and keen observational skills on your end, especially if you want to ensure your chimney’s functionality as well as your family’s safety.

More often than not, our team at Ashbusters Chimney Service get approached by homeowners presenting concerns or asking certain things and issues about their chimneys. One of the most asked questions is regarding their chimney draft.

So, here’s a short reference that has everything you would need to know about chimney drafts:

What is a chimney draft?

The chimney draft, or simply called the draft, is the pulling action in your chimney caused by the negative pressure mechanism that’s at play inside each and every one of your chimneys. You see, your chimney produces hot air. When the heat generated inside the chimney reaches a certain level, it starts to pull air through the firebox, and thus, the draft.

How will you be able to identify a draft problem?

This is relatively easy to spot. All you need to watch out for are the 3 cardinal signs that are indicative of a chimney draft problem. First, you need to observe the air inside your home. If air begins to enter your home from your chimney, then that’s a sign that something is definitely wrong. Second, when you have unusual trying to start a fire or keep it burning, that’s another sign. And lastly, if you notice a smokey smell around your house even without a fire burning, then that’s definitely a warning sign.

How does it affect us?

Initially or in minute cases, draft problems don’t really pose that much of a threat to us. But according to the Chimney Safety Institute of America, in worst case scenarios it may turn your home into a risky living environment by becoming a fire and health hazard. Carbon monoxide poisoning can easily occur due to improper draft.

What can we do?

The best and smartest thing to do is to contact a chimney expert to check your chimney as soon as possible. Not only will they be able to point out damages and risks, but they would also help you in setting up preventive measure as to avoid dreadful and horrible scenarios from ever occurring.

Chimney draft problems are more common than you think. For all you know you have one going on in your home at this very moment. So what are you waiting for? Pick up the phone or open your computers and set an appointment as soon as you can.