(615) 459-2546 office@ashbusters.net

Upgrade to Gas Logs This Fall

You have probably heard the old saying, “The early bird gets the worm.” Being prepared early can pay off, especially when it comes to upgrading your fireplace. If you are wanting to heat your home more effectively for less money, now is the time to be considering your...

Why Your Fire Won’t Light

The reasons your fire won’t light depend first of all on whether it is a gas fed fire or a wood fire. If it uses natural gas as its fuel, check to be sure that the turn key or valve handle are in the open position, and that the fireplace is receiving gas. If you are...

How to Safely Ignite Your Gas Fireplace

To safely ignite your gas fireplace, follow this series of easy to remember steps. Check to be sure the damper is open to your venting. Gas logs give off a great deal of carbon monoxide, so adequate venting is essential. The damper can be partially closed later on to...