At Ashbusters, we take great pride in our certifications from professional chimney industry organizations like the National Fireplace Institute (NFI) and the Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA). When our chimney sweeps receive their CSIA certifications, they sign the CSIA Code of Ethics. In addition, chimney sweeps pledge to uphold the high standards of the CSIA. Among these standards is a promise to keep up with new technologies and updated building codes in the chimney industry by continuing their education of accepted safety practices in the chimney and venting industry.
To help chimney sweeps across the country be able to achieve this pledge, the CSIA provides continuing educational opportunity options. This includes online and in-person courses as well as the CSIA Roadshow. The CSIA Roadshow travels to chimney businesses throughout America and provides in-person training sessions and courses. We would like to tell you more about the types of classes that are offered and why they are so important to chimney sweeps.
Masonry Repair
Available in a four-day seminar session and in a two-day intensive session, this course teaches chimney technicians how to properly lay brick and repair damaged masonry work. After a brief lesson on masonry repair and construction classroom theory, participants are able to take part in hands-on projects. Participants practice the theory of masonry work and to ask as many questions as possible.
Gas Hearth Appliance Installation, Repair, and Construction
This CSIA course is important for proper installation of gas hearth appliances to ensure they will work safely and efficiently. Covering combustion requirements, carbon monoxide testing, and appliance standards, this course includes the NFI Gas Hearth Specialist manual and exam. However, participants must bring their own copy of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 54.
Roof Access Safety Training
A big part of a chimney sweep’s job is working on roofs. One of the most dangerous hazards is getting up to the top of the building. In this two-day hands-on session, participants learn the importance of setting up fall protection systems before climbing a ladder. In addition, these systems will ensure safety at every stage of working up on a roof of any pitch.
Our chimney sweeps love learning new skills, techniques, and technologies that improve their job performance. Contact us at Ashbusters today to schedule your appointment for your annual professional chimney maintenance services from our team of trained and educated CSIA-certified sweeps.