(615) 459-2546 office@ashbusters.net

5 Benefits of Top-Sealing Dampers 

If you have a masonry chimney at home and want to improve its efficiency, one thing you can do is have a top-sealing damper professionally installed. A damper is a plate that opens to allow the smoke and flue gases to escape when a fire is lit, then closes to seal...

Fireplace Updates for Spring

This time of year, it’s not uncommon to see chimney companies recommending various types of springtime maintenance. Which has a lot of our customers questioning… Isn’t chimney care better saved for fall and winter when people are actually putting their systems to use?...

Your Chimney, Bad Weather & Lightning Strikes

Here in Nashville and its surrounding areas, we’ve been experiencing some less than pleasant weather. Winds and rains have been making an appearance leading to weather alerts, school closings, and even lightning strikes throughout Music City. Because of this, we urge...