by Mark Stoner | Jan 24, 2020 | Chimney Damper, Chimney draft, Education and Training
The 4 Most Common Causes of Draft Issues Has firing up the fireplace become a smoky affair? Smoky fireplaces are usually caused by draft issues. But before we dive into what those common issues are and how you can fix them, let’s talk about what chimney draft...
by Mark Stoner | Jul 15, 2019 | Chimney Damper
Whenever our customers are looking for ways to increase the energy efficiency in their homes, Ashbusters strongly recommends them to update their old traditional throat damper to a new top-mounted damper. We are proud to carry the best one on the market, the Energy...
by Mark Stoner | Sep 28, 2018 | Chimney Damper
All of us love to save money. One of the biggest hits to your wallet concerning your home is heated and cooled air escaping through your chimney. This is often the fault of your damper. If it has been a while since you have replaced your throat damper, Ashbusters...
by Mark Stoner | Dec 27, 2017 | Chimney Damper
Your chimney system consists of several different components, such as the liner and the damper, that keep it working efficiently. If a problem arises with one of these components, it is helpful to know how it should function properly. This allows you to be able to...
by Mark Stoner | Aug 14, 2017 | Chimney Damper
Your chimney consists of several different components that need to be in good condition so that your fireplace will function at its most efficient level. If these components are old and damaged, it can greatly reduce the energy efficiency of your home. One of the...
by Mark Stoner | Oct 13, 2011 | Chimney Damper
All About Your Chimney Damper If this is the first time you are hearing the word chimney damper, I’ll give you an explanation. It is a metal spring door placed at the top of the chimney with an extended metal chain that permits you to open and close the chimney...